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Different Types of Available Packaging Tape and Their Uses

For those of us who have ever sent a package in the mail, we know how important it is to use the right kind of adhesive packaging tape. You want to be sure that your package gets to its destination safely and securely, and you don’t want any surprises along the way. But how do you choose the right type of adhesive packaging tape? In this article, we will discuss some key considerations when selecting adhesive packaging tape for your needs.



Types of Adhesive Packaging Tapes

The first thing you should consider is what type of adhesive packaging tape you need. There are two main types of tapes used in packaging: hot melt adhesives and water-activated adhesives. Hot melt adhesives are typically made from thermoplastic polymers such as polypropylene or polyethylene, which means they provide a strong bond. They also provide a clean cut with no mess and can be applied quickly and easily using an automated machine. Hot melt adhesives are often preferred for high volume applications such as packing boxes for shipping or sealing bags for food products.


Water-activated adhesives, on the other hand, are typically made from paper pulp or cellulose fibers and require water to activate them before use. They provide a stronger bond than hot melts but require more time to apply since they must be manually wetted before they can be used. Water-activated adhesives are often preferred for smaller items such as envelopes or packages that need to be sealed in order to protect their contents during shipment.


Tape Backings & Colors

Another factor to consider when choosing the right adhesive packaging tape is its backing material and color options. The backing material is important because it will determine how strong and durable the tape will be when applied to your packages or envelopes. Common backing materials include polypropylene, vinyl, cloth, kraft paper, aluminum foil, glassine paper, and even reinforced plastic films for extra strength applications. Additionally, many tapes come in various colors so that you can easily differentiate between different types of packages or shipments when sending them out into the world.  


Adhesion Strength & Temperature Tolerance

Finally, you should consider how much adhesion strength your chosen adhesive packaging tape provides as well as its temperature tolerance. Adhesion strength refers to how strongly the tape bonds with whatever surface it is applied to; this is especially important if you’re sending heavy items through the mail (or storing them away). Temperature tolerance refers to how well your chosen adhesive holds up in extreme temperatures; if you’re sending something through extreme heat or cold climates then make sure that your chosen tape can handle these conditions without failing!




With all these factors in mind, choosing the right adhesive packaging tape for your needs should now be easier than ever! Whether you’re looking for something strong enough for heavy items or something more specialized like low temperature resistance, there’s a perfect fit out there waiting just for you! Of course it's always best practice when choosing any type of product – do some research online before committing to buy; read customer reviews about various brands and get an idea of what others think about their experience with each one before making a final decision! Good luck on finding exactly what you need!